Quanta Allx64 Camera Driver for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (x64)
Driver Info
Driver Date
13.05.2010File Size:
52.77 KBDownload URL:
https://download.webcamtests.com/drivers/webcam/Quanta/Allx64/Windows-x64.zipMD5 Hash:
0eebd83029a9130c990072a2f9b8e562Operating System
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10OS Architecture
QuantaDriver Files
- /CertMgr.exe
- /QCM20Q.inf
- /Readme.txt
- /qcm20q.cat
- /qicflt.sys
Driver Strings
Contain 2 directories and one setup installation file
<InfWin7_x86>, 32bit driver with .inf files
<InfWin7_64>, 64bit driver with .inf files, WHQL certificated.
<setup.exe>, auto install setup files.
silent mode support in this version, type "setup /S", notice "/S" is case sensitive
Note:No Internal tests yet
//Change Log
- setup.exe support WHQL certificated driver for windows 7 x64
- WHQL certificated qcm20q.cat(for 64bit only)
qicflt.sys Version 1.0.1404.1011
- create the dummy image in the case of first bad frame
- setup.exe, not adding any Uninstaller information.
Add MS cross certificate for verisign
QCM20Q.inf Version 1.0.1404.1005
- add new pid 1FB1~1FB8
--Add L10N Multi-language support.
--Uninstall information updated, "publisher", "version" fields
QCM20Q.inf Version 1.0.1404.1004
- add "MI_00" indetifier for enumeration process
- support installation in 32 bit platform
qicflt.sys 1.0.1404.1010
- remove redaudant codes
QCM20Q.inf Version 1.0.1404.1003
- del qicupper service before install
- remove uvcflags this registry
- add versign signature for qcm20q.cat for supporting silent install mode
qicflt.sys Version 1.0.1404.1009
- On-off Test 1000 pretest passed
qicupper.sys Version 1.0.1404.1007
- Solve the BSOD issue(from MJPG to H264)
- file description for providers name, from ??Quanta SoC?? to ??Quanta
- change qicupper.sys to qicflt.sys
QCM20Q.inf Version 1.0.1404.1001
- rename ??Integrated WebCam 20Q1?? to ??Integrated WebCam??
qicupper.sys Version 1.0.1404.1005
- init version, add driver files version control
- file description for platform, architecture name.
Devices Information
[ids]- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_2FB1&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_2FB2&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_2FB3&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_2FB4&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_2FB5&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_2FB6&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_1FB1&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_1FB2&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_1FB3&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_1FB4&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_1FB5&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_1FB6&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_1FB7&MI_00
- USB\Vid_0408&Pid_1FB8&MI_00
[version]- Signature
$CHICAGO$ - Class
Image - ClassGUID
{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f} - Provider
Quanta Computer Inc. - CatalogFile
QCM20Q.cat - DriverVer
[strings]- ProxyVCap.CLSID
{17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196} - KSCATEGORY_RENDER
{65E8773E-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196} - KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE
{65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196} - KSCATEGORY_VIDEO
{6994AD05-93EF-11D0-A3CC-00A0C9223196} - KSCATEGORY_RENDER_EXT
{CC7BFB41-F175-11D1-A392-00E0291F3959} - CompanyName
Quanta Computer Inc. - Package
Quanta Installation Package - PID_20Q1.DeviceDesc
Integrated Webcam - PID_20Q2.DeviceDesc
Integrated Webcam - USBVideo.SvcDesc
USB Video Device (WDM) - upperfilter.SvcDesc
upper Device Filter Driver - lowerfilter.SvcDesc
lower Device Filter Driver - PID_0408.FriendDeviceDesc
Integrated Webcam