Webcam Test

Review #161235 about “Kisonli ”

Webcam: Kisonli
Rating: Average (3 out of 5)

Advantages of the webcam:
price is low

Disadvantages of the webcam:
average camera

Webcam Information

Webcam Name: web camera
Type of Webcam: USB
Quality Rank: #7842
Quality Rating: 4922
Built-in Microphone:
Built-in Speaker:
Frame rate: 30 FPS
Stream Type: Video
Image Mode: RGB Color
Webcam MegaPixels: 2.07 MP
Webcam Resolution: 1920×1080
Video Standard: FHD
Aspect Ratio: 1.78
PNG File Size: 2.33 MB
JPEG File Size: 1.31 MB
Bitrate: 39.44 MB/s
Number of Colors: 166390
Average RGB Color:
Lightness: 21.96%
Luminosity: 20.99%
Brightness: 21.31%
Hue: 11°
Saturation: 14.29%

Device Information

Device Name Kisonli D1
Device Type Desktop
Screen Resolution 1366×768
Color Depth 24-bit
Screen Orientation landscape-primary