Webcam Test

Review #38182 about “Chinese cam”

Webcam: Chinese cam
Rating: Average (3 out of 5)

Advantages of the webcam:
The video is not very slow compared to other cams

Disadvantages of the webcam:
Received it without driver but fortunately this website managed to make it work

Author’s comment:
I like this website, I received no drivers with the webcam, I would like an info to see which drivers would fit the best from the known drivers from internet with this camera, or any unknown camera. This website make wonders, good job.

Webcam Information

Webcam Name: USB2.0 Camera: USB2.0 Camera
Type of Webcam: USB
Quality Rank: #77827
Quality Rating: 66
Built-in Microphone:
Built-in Speaker:
Frame rate: 9 FPS
Stream Type: Video
Image Mode: RGB Color
Webcam MegaPixels: 0.31 MP
Webcam Resolution: 640×480
Video Standard: VGA
Aspect Ratio: 1.33
PNG File Size: 608.3 KB
JPEG File Size: 314.64 KB
Bitrate: 2.77 MB/s
Number of Colors: 26821
Average RGB Color:
Lightness: 37.45%
Luminosity: 39.98%
Brightness: 38.43%
Hue: 60°
Saturation: 7.85%

Device Information

Device Name Cubeternet
Device Type Desktop
Operating System Ubuntu
Browser Firefox 84.0
Screen Resolution 1920×1080
Color Depth 24-bit
Screen Orientation landscape-primary